AWS solution associate preparation Course (Part One) (AWS solution Associate 準備班 (第一節))


AWS solution associate preparation Course (Part One) (AWS solution Associate 準備班 (第一節))


Learn skills such as AWS Elastic Cloud Compute, Simple Storage Service, VPC, Aurora database service, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, AWS S3, etc. This AWS training will also prepare you for the AWS Solutions Architect certification exam.

Course Outline

Module/Subject(s) Description of the Module/Subject
Introduction to Cloud Computing & AWS

What is Cloud Computing

Cloud Service & Deployment Models

How AWS is the leader in the cloud domain

Various cloud computing products offered by AWS

Introduction to AWS S3, EC2, VPC, EBS, ELB, AMI

AWS architecture and the AWS Management Console,
virtualization in AWS (Xen hypervisor)

What is auto-scaling

AWS EC2 best practices and cost involved.

Elastic Compute and Storage Volumes

Introduction to EC2

Regions & Availability Zones(AZs)

Pre-EC2, EC2 instance types

Comparing Public IP and Elastic IP

Demonstrating how to launch an AWS EC2 instance

Introduction to AMIs, Creating and Copying an AMI

Introduction to EBS

EBS volume types

EBS Snapshots

Introduction to EFS

Instance tenancy- Reserved and Spot instances

Pricing and Design Patterns.

Load Balancing, Autoscaling and DNS

Introduction to Elastic Load Balancer

Types of ELB – Classic, Network and Application

Load balancer architecture

Cross-zone load balancing

Introduction to Auto Scaling, vertical and horizontal scaling, the
lifecycle of Auto Scaling

Components of Auto Scaling, scaling options and policy,
instance termination

Using load balancer with Auto Scaling

Pre-Route 53 – how DNS works

Routing policy, Route 53 terminologies, Pricing.

Virtual Private Cloud

What is Amazon VPC

VPC as a networking layer for EC2,

IP address and CIDR notations,

Components of VPC – network interfaces, route tables,
internet gateway, NAT,

Security in VPC – security groups and NACL, types of VPC,
what is a subnet, VPC peering with scenarios, VPC
endpoints, VPC pricing and design patterns.