Decentralized Technology Application and Financial Industrial Development (去中心化技術的運用及金融發展)
Decentralized Technology Application and Financial Industrial Development (去中心化技術的運用及金融發展)
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This course makes understanding for decentralized technology in transforming industrialists' business into digital-friendly, and the framework to develop new business via blockchain and related technologies. At the end of this course, students will have an advanced framework to formulate latest business model based on new knowledge they just learnt and transform them into actual business.
Course Outline
Module/Subject(s) | Description of the Module/Subject |
第一階段:虛擬貨幣市場,越來越受到資本市場重視,作為眾多投資工具的一種,我們必須要了解當中的風險與機遇 |
1. 虛擬貨幣的本質、運作及賺錢機會 |
第二階段:投資邏輯abc,選對工具,開始投資虛擬資產 |
1. 找對時機,開始投資;趨勢分析,分辨牛熊,外圍環境 |
第三階段:了解虛擬資產背後的運作理念、技術層面及深層投資價值 |
1. 智能合約應用、如何追蹤交易、區塊鏈技術延伸其他產業 |
第四階段:區塊鏈技術如何融入生活化服務及運作 |
1. Lightning Network介紹 |