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Certificate in ChatGPT for Digital & Content Marketing for SMEs (中小企業數字內容營銷 ChatGPT 證書)


教導SMEs 如何使用 ChatGPT 輔助創作文案內容,並應用於不同的數碼營銷策略,如搜尋引擎優化(SEO)、社交媒體推廣(Social Media Marketing)、網誌行銷(Blog Marketing)、電郵行銷(Email Marketing)、以及視覺營銷(Visual Marketing)等。


1. 想增加網頁流量的網站管理人

2. 想提升工作效率的內容創作者

3. 想自我增值、培養新技能的行政人員

4. 想運用創意文案進行推廣的數碼營銷人員

Course Outline

Module/Subject(s) Description of the Module/Subject
Module 1: Introduction to OpenAI ChatGPT

What is Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How OpenAI ChatGPT Works
Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Digital Marketing & Content Creation
How to Connect with OpenAI via Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Interact with ChatGPT for Marketing Purposes
Understand ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine: Microsoft Bing AI Search
Ethical Considerations & Limitations for Using Generative AI in Digital Marketing

Module 2: Marketing Prompts for ChatGPT

Understand How to Create the Right Prompts for ChatGPT
Write Effective Prompts that Generate Insightful and Unique Responses from ChatGPT
Provide Relevant Context to ChatGPT for Gathering Persona Insights

Module 3: ChatGPT Usage for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Use ChatGPT to Perform Keyword Research and Generate Keyword Ideas
Craft Compelling Title and Meta Description with the Aid of ChatGPT
Optimize Content with ChatGPT to Produce High-quality Copy that Ranks Higher on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP)

Module 4: ChatGPT Usage for Content Marketing

Use ChatGPT to Research Content Topics and Generate Engaging and Informative Content
Leverage ChatGPT for Generating Regular Email Marketing Content
Utilize ChatGPT to Build Different Types of Long-form Content like Blog Posts and E-books

Module 5: ChatGPT Usage for Social Media Marketing

Prompt ChatGPT to Spark Social Media Post Ideas and Write Paid Social Ad Copy
Best Practices for Reviewing, Editing, and Refining ChatGPT Generated Content for Social Media
Use ChatGPT to Have Conversations with Social Media Followers and Engage Your Community

Module 6: Generative AI Usage for Visuals Marketing

Overview of Text-to-Image Generative AI Tools Like OpenAI Dall-E
Craft Effective Prompts to Get the Appropriate Images from OpenAI Dall-E
Best Practices for Incorporating Dall-E Generated Images into Blog Posts, Email, Social Media Posts, and Other Types of Content